Thursday, January 17, 2013

Love is Also Active

Post written by Raymund Tamayo

Love is an overly-used word. It can mean almost anything from a quick sexual encounter to total sacrifice.

The Bible’s Love chapter (found in 1 Corinthians 13) expresses Love in the passive, timid sense.

It says there that Love is not envious, boastful, proud, rude, self-seeking, or easily-angered. It does not rejoice in wrong but is protective, trusting, hopeful, and persevering.

The Apostle Paul merely describes here Love as an exercise of self-control. Being careful and sensitive to another. Having power over ourselves for the sake and well-being of another.

But if you will also read Chapters 12 and 14, the context of Paul’s writing is placing a restraint on the spiritual overreaction of the Corinthian believers. He is simply saying that no matter how many spiritual gifts you have, or how deep your spiritual experiences are, if you don’t have Love, then it means nothing.

Yet, Love is so much more than self-control. Love is also active.

Love is also commitment and passion.

Some situations require Love to be courageous rather than patient; zealous rather kind.

Sometimes Love is affirming rather than withholding; challenging rather than sensitive; brave rather than gentle; generous rather than careful.

Love doesn’t always step back and wait, sometimes it feverishly strikes.

Clearly, both facets of Love are necessary.

Because patience without passion will not accomplish much, and passion without patience can be destructive. Let’s find the right balance between the two.


  1. Amen, Raymund. Love is truly active and moving within and without. =)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Rem.

      Love to you and always.. :)


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