Monday, July 30, 2012

Our 10 Most Relaxing Movies of All Time

Post written by Raymund and Denielle Tamayo

All of us enjoy watching relaxing movies.

Heck, we all enjoy watching movies. Period.

They bring us to another place and time, another dimension, another unique experience, and another level of thinking.

For this post, we share to you the films we enjoy watching on a lazy Saturday morning. We also included our favorite line/s and favorite song in each film.

Writers’ Note: We’re not talking about the technical aspects of a film: cinematography, screenplay, editing, directing, or the best films per se. We’re just talking about the most relaxing films we enjoy watching. Simple as that. :)

Raymund will give our favorite line/s, while Denielle will give our favorite song from the films.

1.           Before Sunset


Raymund: Happiness is in the doing, right? Not in the getting what you want.” – Jesse Wallace, Ethan Hawke

Denielle: An Ocean Apart - Julie Delpy.

2.           As Good As It Gets


Raymund: “You make me want to be a better man.” – Melvin Udall, Jack Nicholson
                 “That’s maybe the best compliment of my life.” – Carol Connelly, Helen Hunt

Denielle: For Sentimental Reasons (I Love You) – Nat King Cole.

3.           Before Sunrise


Raymund: “When you talked earlier about after a few years how a couple would begin to hate each other by anticipating their reactions or getting tired of their mannerisms-I think it would be the opposite for me. I think I can really fall in love when I know everything about someone-the way he's going to part his hair, which shirt he's going to wear that day, knowing the exact story he'd tell in a given situation. I'm sure that's when I know I'm really in love.” – Celine, Julie Delpy 

Denielle: Come Here – Kate Bloom.

4.           127 Hours


Raymund: “You know, I've been thinking. Everything is... just comes together. It's me. I chose this. I chose all this. This rock... this rock has been waiting for me my entire life. It's entire life, ever since it was a bit of meteorite a million, billion years ago. In space. It's been waiting, to come here. Right, right here. I've been moving towards it my entire life. The minute I was born, every breath that I've taken, every action has been leading me to this crack on the out surface.” – Aron Ralston, James Franco

Denielle: Lovely Day – Bill Withers.

5.           The Family Man


Raymund: “If you need this, Jack, if you really need this, I will take these kids from a life they love and I'll take myself from the only home we've ever shared together and I'll move wherever you need to go. I'll do that because I love you. I love you, and that's more important to me than our address. I choose us.” Kate Campbell, Tea Leoni 

Denielle: La la (Means I Love You) – Nicolas Cage.

6.           You’ve Got Mail


Raymund: “The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don't know what the hell they're doing or who on earth they are can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self: Tall. Decaf. Cappuccino!” – Joe Fox, Tom Hanks

Denielle: Anyone At All – Carole King.

7.           The Lake House


Raymund: “For me, this city. On a day when the light is so clear that I can touch every detail, every brick and window of the buildings I love. C’mon, take a walk with me, this Saturday, let me show you.” – Alex Wyler, Keanu Reeves.

Denielle: This Never Happened Before – Paul McCartney.

8.           Message in a Bottle


Raymund: “So you ‘used’ to be charming. Sorry I missed that.” – Theresa Osborne, Robin Wright-Penn

Denielle: I Couldn’t Ask For More – Edwin McCain.

9.           50 First Dates


Raymund: “Pardon me. Sorry to interrupt, but I notice we were both eating alone and I thought perhaps I could sit with you, maybe build a syrup Jacuzzi for your waffle house?– Henry Roth, Adam Sandler

Denielle: Wouldn’t It Be Nice – The Beach Boys.

10.      Something’s Gotta Give


Raymund: “I'm so glad they still work. I haven't used them for kissing in such a long time, more like for wearing lipstick... and whistling.” – Erica Barry, Diane Keaton

Denielle: Sunday Morning – Maroon 5.

There you go, our 10 Most Relaxing Movies of All Time. Can you suggest more? Give us your recommendations in the comments!


  1. I've got 5 of my fave movies from your list! :) and i think i should watch the other movies included.

  2. hi, anj! :) which five are your favorites?

  3. 50 first dates
    You've got mail
    The lake house
    Message in a bottle
    The family man

    I enumerated the movies according to my mooost favorite! Actually, 50 first date is one of our (jp and me) fave movie! We'll never get tired watching adam sandler wooing drew! <3

  4. you should also watch the other five, anj. :) i'm sure you and paul will very much enjoy Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. :)

    the more you put yourselves in the shoes of the characters there, the more you will enjoy the film. trust me! :)

  5. Here's mine :)

    1. Love Actually

    2. Notting Hill

    3. My Best Friend's Wedding

    4. The Ugly Truth

    5. Crazy Stupid Love (2012)

  6. hey, unknown. may i know who you are? hehe..


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