Sunday, November 30, 2014

Blessings Are Not Always Material Things

Post written by Raymund Tamayo

Blessings aren’t always material things. Most of the time, these things can actually be a burden and a liability.

Blessings are also having good health and wholesome relationships, doing work that you love, experiencing personal and spiritual growth, and serving in a community that brings out the best in you.

Your latest gadget means nothing if your family is in disarray or your lungs and kidneys are deteriorating because of your bad habits.

But for me, blessings are anything that gets you closer to God. Even problems can be blessings if they give you the opportunity to have a deeper relationship with Him.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

3 Life-Giving Ideas about Forgiveness

Post written by Raymund Tamayo

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Forgive anyone for anything as soon as possible.

This is the most essential component of inner healing.

The truth is that forgiveness is for your benefit. Unforgiveness is basically the same as drinking poison and then expecting the object of your resentment to die.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Morning Praises: An Upright Heart

Post written by Raymund and Denielle Tamayo

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“I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.” – Psalm 119:7

Praising God is natural for those who truly love Him.

And truly loving Him is shown in our obedience to His Word. Praise is basically linked to our character.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happiness is Internal

Post written by Raymund Tamayo

Photo credit:

Happiness is not a product of luck or coincidence. Being happy is intentional.

Everything that happens to you in life is the result of all the choices you make.

You may argue that sometimes, in some situations, you just don’t have a choice. But, oh yes, you did! You just chose not to choose.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Morning Praises: The Lord is My Refuge

Posted by Raymund and Denielle Tamayo

"The righteous will rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in Him; all the upright in heart will glory in Him!" - Psalm 64:10

Sometimes life gets too tough and we become afraid. But God promises to be our refuge if we walk with an upright heart and in His righteousness.

When we are in the presence of the Lord, He fills our heart with joy, replacing fear with quietness and peace.
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